沖縄-東海ヨットレース 2014 Okinawa – Tokai Yacht Race.
The preparations for the 3rd Okinawa – Tokai yacht race are well under way and the entry list suggest we will have an exciting race this year. Yachts from all over Japan and even an entry from Australian waters will make their way to the start line.
I will be sailing aboard “Roschana” and British registered Adams 11.9 Modified for Offshore Double Handed yacht racing. https://www.facebook.com/Roschana.Sails
I am sure all the skippers and crews are working hard to have their boats ready for this Okinawa – Tokai race. I know we are. This time the race organisers have announced that with safety in mind they are going to be working hard to ensure all the boats comply with ISAF Category 3 and ISAF Offshore Special Regulations. It can be quite a bit of work and expense getting the boats ready however with safety in mind we can expect all skippers will be following the guidelines as set down.
“Roschana” is normally moored at Nishinomiya at the northern end of Osaka Bay. We plan to drop lines and head south around the middle of April 2014 with a view to being in Ginowan Port Marina which offers the main Marina for the event, by the 24th April. Our Inspection is set for the 27th of April and the race begins on the 29th of April.
The race is held every 2nd year and was first run in 2010. I was lucky to be asked to join the crew of Cocorin and 16 meter Elliot Schooner for the 2010 Okinawa – Tokai race. On that occasion very light winds caused several boats to retire. In 2012 I was on route sailing Roschana to Japan from Adelaide Australia and was just passing Guam as the starter gun sounded and the fleet set off into some pretty heavy weather. So, it is going to be interesting to see what weather and wind the 2014 Okinawa – Tokai offers us before we see the finish line and tie up at Laguna Bay marina.
Mark Smith. Japan.
For more information on this race please visit the race home page. http://okinawa.toscrace.jp
Have fun Sailing Japan and Blue Water.
Mark Smith, Japan.