May 17th will see the 28 running of the Kobe Matsuri yacht race. This yacht race is one part of the overall entertainment plan for this the 39th Kobe festival. I guess if we do the math we can see the yacht race joined the Festival some 11years after it began. Here in Japan we do love festivals and several have yacht races as a part of the festivities. Sailing in Japan or more importantly yacht racing in Japan will eventually mean joining a festival race. Throughout the year we have many such races and I am sure if you ever have the chance to join one you will enjoy the spirit of these combined yacht race festivals
This weekend I am lucky to be invited to join the guys on Black Pearl a new Tsuboi Vite 31 and we will be out there doing our very best to win this race. I imagine for those of you boat owners interested in joining they committee will consider late entries so come on over and join in the fun. Then again if it crew position you are looking for drop me an email and I will do my best to hook you up with a boat.